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6 Powerful Local SEO Tips for Milwaukee Businesses

To create a successful business, you need to market it well.

And to market your business well, you need to understand and implement the latest marketing techniques.

Local SEO is one of the core components of an effective marketing strategy.

It’s a (nearly) cost-free way to acquire more customers and leads. Plus, it’s never been easier to set up!

This article will show you exactly how to optimize your business for Milwaukee Local SEO.

What is Local SEO, and Why Does it Matter for Milwaukee Businesses?

Local SEO is optimizing a business’ website for local search results. Milwaukee businesses should focus on local SEO to help them rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which means more people will see their business when they search for terms related to their industry.

Local SEO revolves around targeting local keywords. Search terms like “near me” or the city name are examples of local keywords.

For instance, did you notice I’m trying to rank for local keywords with this article?

I’ll talk about including keywords like “near me” in your Google My Business profile later. And like I said before, Local SEO is a cost-free way of acquiring new customers eager to enjoy your products/services!

Okay, let’s jump into the tips.

  1. Optimizing your website for local keywords

When it comes to local SEO, targeting the right keywords is essential. First, Milwaukee businesses should research which keywords their customers are likely to use when searching for businesses like theirs. Then, they should incorporate those keywords into their site’s content and metadata.

For instance, include the word Milwaukee in your headlines. You want the search crawlers to pick up these keywords and rank your site appropriately. That is Google’s job, after all, isn’t it?

Once you’ve targeted the right keywords, you need to make sure your website’s content is optimized for them. This means including those keywords in your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags. You should also make sure your website’s content is relevant to those keywords.

Title tags: Title tags are the string of blue text describing the name of your site. In the image, “Owen Murray - A Milwaukee Copywriter.”

Meta descriptions: Meta descriptions are the text just below the title tag. In the image above, the meta description starts with, “I’m Owen Murray.”

Header tags: Header tags are your H1s, H2s, and H3s on your website. Depending on your hosting service, the font you choose determines the H1/H2 classification.

One way to do this is by creating localized pages on your website. For example, if you own a pizza shop in Milwaukee, you might create a page with the headline, “Get The Best Pizza in Milwaukee.” In the meta description, you could write, “Looking for the best pizza in Milwaukee? Look no further than Owen Murray’s Pizza Shop!”

This will help your site rank for Milwaukee-related keywords. Additionally, if someone were to search “best pizza in Milwaukee,” who’s site would be at the top? (My new pizza business, of course).

2. Use keyword-optimized content

Milwaukee businesses need to use keyword-optimized content to rank higher in local search results. This means including the keywords their customers are likely to use when searching for businesses like theirs.

For example, a Milwaukee copywriting business could use keywords like “copywriting Milwaukee” or “Milwaukee copywriter.”

See what I did there?

Let’s take a look at another example.

Restaurants are an easy-to-understand example. Say you’re the owner of an Italian restaurant, looking to grow your restaurant and obtain more customers.

You’d want to include the keyword “Italian” in your meta descriptions, title tags, and header tags. These are called industry-specific keywords. Using these in your content marketing is an excellent way to improve your local presence and domain authority. Keeping with this example, you could write articles like:

  • 5 Best Italian Recipes for At-Home Meals

  • [Name of restaurant] Italian Restaurant: Our Story

  • 3 New Dishes coming to our Italian [Name of restaurant]

3. Create a strong local presence (Social Proof)

Businesses that want to rank higher in local search results must create a solid local presence. This means claiming and optimizing their Google My Business listing, adding relevant business information (like opening hours and location), and getting positive reviews from customers.

When it comes to Milwaukee Local SEO, social proof is critical. But, what is social proof? Social proof is when people see that other people have had a good experience with a business, and as a result, they are more likely to have a good experience themselves.

This is especially important for small businesses, as they often don’t have the same name recognition as larger businesses. Social proof is one of the most powerful tools in marketing. Would you want to try a product your best friend said you’d love?

Of course!

That’s the power of social proof. Even if you don’t know the people leaving positive reviews personally, the social proof effect is there.

One way to create social proof for your Milwaukee business is by using review sites like Yelp and Google My Business. Make sure your business is listed on these sites, and make sure your information is accurate and up-to-date.

Then, when someone searches for your business, they’ll see your positive reviews, SEO-optimized site, and content about your business.

4. Optimize for mobile users

More and more people are using their smartphones to search for businesses locally. That’s why Milwaukee businesses need to optimize their websites for mobile users.

This means using a responsive design, ensuring the website is easy to navigate on a phone or tablet, and testing these features. You can also use Milwaukee SEO services to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Remember that the longer someone stays on your site, Google’s algorithm will rank your site appropriately.

Although bounce rate is a minor factor in your overall SEO, optimizing for mobile will significantly help. Roughly 55% of all internet traffic is mobile.

That’s why keeping mobile users on your page a little bit longer has a significant effect on your domain authority.

5. Optimize your Yelp & Google My Business profiles


Milwaukee businesses looking to increase their online presence and attract more customers can use Yelp to their advantage. You can improve your local SEO and rank higher in search results by optimizing your Yelp profile. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Make sure your business is listed on Yelp.

The first step is to make sure that your business is listed on Yelp. You can claim your business page here. Once you’ve claimed your page, be sure to fill out all of the information, including your address, website, and phone number.

2. Upload high-quality photos of your business.

Photos are a crucial part of Yelp listings. The more interactive your profile, the better. Upload high-quality photos of your business, products, and team. It’d be weird to see a business with zero photos...

3. Write compelling business descriptions.

Your business description is one of the most crucial parts of your Yelp profile. Make sure to write a compelling narrative that accurately represents your business. Include your primary value proposition, along with the benefits your business brings to customers. Learn about optimizing your writing process.

4. Add local keywords to your profile.

Including keywords in your profile will help you rank higher in search results. Be sure to include keywords related to your business and industry. Additionally, you’ll rank higher for keywords on Yelp itself. Yelp has a built-in search engine to rank your site based on your description and keywords used.

5. Claim your free Yelp Business Page Badge.

Yelp offers a free Business Page Badge that you can add to your website or blog. This badge helps to promote your Yelp page and encourages customers to leave reviews.

Google My Business

As a local business, it’s important to optimize your Google My Business profile for local SEO. Your Yelp and Google My Business will be similar. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Make sure your business information is accurate and complete.

2. Upload high-quality photos of your business and products.

3. Add a Google Maps listing for your business.

4. Claim your free Google Business profile.

5. Use keywords and phrases that people are likely to search in your business description.

I won’t go into detail regarding optimizing your profile for keywords. Still, as with Yelp, you want to target local words pertaining to your industry (Near me, [city name], [industry specialty keyword]).

I’m also going to emphasize images. Regardless of your industry (service, hospitality, eCommerce), the images on your Google My Business are essential. Potential customers want to imagine what your business feels like before they decide to take a step forward. Images are the best way to do that.

6. Hire a freelance copywriter

As a business owner, your time is your most valuable resource. You can maximize your time by hiring a freelance copywriter to help your SEO. Milwaukee-based freelance copywriters are available for hire on Craigslist, UpWork, and other freelancing websites.

A freelance copywriter can help you with all aspects of your SEO, including on-page optimization, keyword research, and content creation. They can also help you develop a content strategy that will help you attract more customers.

If you’re looking for tips on how to improve your local SEO, be sure to check out the Yelp and Google MyBusiness pages listed above. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t have the time to do it yourself, hire a freelance copywriter to help you out. Your business will thank you.